Sain eilen ihanan kukkakimpun, johon tyttö oli ihan itse valinnut kaikki kukat. Sain kaikenlaista muutakin, yllätyksiä itseasiassa jo perjantaista asti. Melkein joka päivä jotakin. Kaikki oli oikein mieluista - makeaa, silmänympärysvoidetta, hienostelutuotteita, lukemista, tupper-rasioita... Tyttö kysyi autossa: "Äiti, ootko sä nyt elänyt kymmenen vuotta tässä maailmassa?" Lapsen ajantaju on joskus armollinen. Joskus taas ei. Nyt sattui olemaan. Onneksi.
Yesterday I got a beautiful bouquet of flowers. The girl had picked the colours all by herself. I got plenty of surprises, too, actually nearly everyday since the last Friday. The girl asked me in the car: "Mom, have you now lived ten years on this earth?" The children's sense of time can be gracious. It can also be somewhat less so. This time the grace was on my side. Fortunately.
Yesterday I got a beautiful bouquet of flowers. The girl had picked the colours all by herself. I got plenty of surprises, too, actually nearly everyday since the last Friday. The girl asked me in the car: "Mom, have you now lived ten years on this earth?" The children's sense of time can be gracious. It can also be somewhat less so. This time the grace was on my side. Fortunately.
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