Sain elämäni ensimmäisen kaavion tehtyä tietokoneella omin avuin. Yleensä joudun huutelemaan apua moneen kertaan, mutta nyt ei ollut apua saatavilla, joten askartelin itsekseni. Huomattavaa edistystä käsinpiirrettyyn versioon nähden. Olen melkein ylpeä itsestäni, vaikka jokaisesta, jolta tietokonehommat sujuvat helposti, tämä näyttääkin aika alkeelliselta... Usein rohkaisen oppilaitani oppilaanohjauksessa arvioimaan omaa akateemista kehitystään heidän omiin aiempiin taitoihin suhteutettuna. Sillä arviointityylillä voi aina iloita pienestäkin edistyksestä.
I made a time chart all by myself. Usually with this type of tasks I have to call for help several times, but this time there was no help available. I did it! Quite an improvement compared to the hand-written version. I feel almost proud of myself, though everyone, who is better at this than me, sees immediately how primitive it is... Anyway, I often encourage my students to measure their academic improvements against their own previous skills instead of some other external standard. With that in mind, one has always reason to rejoice about his/her success, even if it would appear to others as something very minor.
Toipilaalta putosi hammas. Hän käänsi sitä ja se putosi. Ylpeyden aihe sekin, että homma hoitui ihan itse. Palkkioksi annettiin 2€.
The slowly recovering patient lost yet another tooth. She just turned it and it fell off. She felt proud of having done it all by herself. She got 2€ as a reward.
I made a time chart all by myself. Usually with this type of tasks I have to call for help several times, but this time there was no help available. I did it! Quite an improvement compared to the hand-written version. I feel almost proud of myself, though everyone, who is better at this than me, sees immediately how primitive it is... Anyway, I often encourage my students to measure their academic improvements against their own previous skills instead of some other external standard. With that in mind, one has always reason to rejoice about his/her success, even if it would appear to others as something very minor.
Toipilaalta putosi hammas. Hän käänsi sitä ja se putosi. Ylpeyden aihe sekin, että homma hoitui ihan itse. Palkkioksi annettiin 2€.
The slowly recovering patient lost yet another tooth. She just turned it and it fell off. She felt proud of having done it all by herself. She got 2€ as a reward.
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