perjantai 10. heinäkuuta 2009

Perillä / Arrived

Loma alkoi sateisissa merkeissä. Loppupäivästä tuli sentään aurinko esiin. Ehdimme jo ulkoilemaan ja tekemään vaahteraneniä. Ystävät olivat lomailemassa tässä samassa lomakohteessa, joten oli ihana jutella ja kahvitella. Ja varsinkin ihailla vauvelia joka oli kasvanut hurjasti viime kerrasta.


The holiday began in a rather rainy weather. Finally towards the evening the sun came out. We already spent some time in the nature and made "maple noses" for the fun of it. Perhaps it is something so Finnish that the idea does not translate at all... Have a try - I guarantee that you'll have a good laugh! Our friends from Yorkshire have the same holiday destination. It was fun to meet again. The boy looks very charmant! He has really grown since we saw him the last time.

1 kommentti:

  1. Our friends look really good and the boy very cute. It is pitty I cannot meet them. In Germany we also do the nose things. It is really funny :). I hope the weather gets warmer for the time in the cottage. Love you. Your husband
