Siskolla on sen verran eläimiä, että tyttö yleensä kertookin ihmisille omistavansa tädin, jolla on melkein eläintarha. Tällä hetkellä täällä on vuohia, koiria ja kilpikonnia. Vuohenmaito on maistunut ja lypsämistäkin tyttö on saanut kokeilla.
Here we are in a real country. The cousins are charming and the activities won't end. Several photos are unclear due to the hectic rythm of life - the events change faster than you have time to press the button. It's fun to be together! Playing together works well.
My sister owns that many domestic animals, that the little one usually talks to everybody that she has an Auntie who almost owns a zoo. At the moment there are goats, dogs and turtles around here. Goats's milk is the new delicacy.
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